This is yet another year in a row when BDO confirms its prestige and stature – we are one of the five Best Audit Firms in Poland. We are also the fourth amongst the Most Active Audit Firms on the Stock Exchange, and sixth in the category of Best Auditor of Listed Companies – according to the latest Ranking of Auditors compiled by Rzeczpospolita.
- The results of the Ranking by Rzeczpospolita and Parkiet are, without a doubt, a commendation for the entire BDO Audit Team. It is because of their work and effort on the engagements we perform for our Clients that we can enjoy such good results in this year’s Ranking. Thank you and congratulations to the BDO Team – says Dr. Anna Bernaziuk, BDO’s Managing Partner.
Edyta Kalińska, Managing Partner of BDO’s Audit Department adds that: ”thanks are also owed to our Clients for whom BDO is increasingly the firm of first choice when it comes to audits of financial statements. This is because of key importance to our Clients when choosing an auditor is the quality of our work. This makes us extremely happy.”
- BDO’s Client portfolio is to a large extent made up of public interest entities. Audits of such businesses are exceptionally demanding, as there are numerous requirements to be met. This means that our work must be precise, our documentation detailed, and our team knowledgeable and experienced. Only this will guarantee that the audit will be performed correctly. We are therefore incredibly happy that BDO can once again hold the title of the Most Active and Best Auditor of listed companies. I congratulate and thank the entire Team – says Edyta Kalińska.
Anna Bernaziuk adds: “The last two years have seen major changes: fighting the effects of the pandemic, remote work, the impact of the war in Ukraine, economic problems. All this has affected the way audits are performed. But because of a more extensive use of modern tools and technologies in which BDO has continued to invest, our work is of high quality, it is safe and more effective, and our Clients feel comfortable choosing us as their auditor.”
It should also be stressed that this year’s success would not be possible if not for the consistent investments in people and tools that BDO has bet on for many years. Continued raising of qualifications and use of modern client service systems allow us to provide the highest level of service. We are able to offer the wide range of services our Clients have come to expect.
Edyta Kalińska also adds that 2022 – the year covered by the Ranking – was exceptional for audit firms. This is due to the fact that it was in 2022 that the audit industry was to implement the requirements of the new ISQM quality standard that went into force at the beginning of 2023. A multidisciplinary team worked for several months to ensure that all the necessary elements of the system were properly prepared and implemented.
- Last year we focused on implementing 3 new quality management standards. Performing this work allowed us to transition into the new year being well prepared for new challenges. We are ready to conduct the highest quality audits, in accordance with the new standards, with the support of advanced tools. In today’s difficult business environment the work of an auditor should be of superior quality. The price is a secondary matter – she added.