Alert BS&O No. 7/2021

Form RDU to defer the due date for the payment of premiums or to pay the pre­miums in installments, ceased to apply as of 1 July. Business operators who have problems with the payment of social insu­rance premiums can now use the PUE ZUS platform to submit the applications that had been in use before the pandemic RSO and RSR. More details available in Alert BS&O.

Other topics available in our Alert: 

  • Service providers and contractors will be able to belong to mutual assistance and loan funds
  • There will be a government platform for the conclusion of employment and service contracts
  • Employee will have a new definition: contractor and service provider also considered employees
  • Important changes in law, interpretations and rulings


We wish you a pleasant read, and should you require more or more detailed information, please don’t hesitate to contact our company and experts.

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